Volume: 9 Issue 2
25 Article(s)

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Morphology analysis of tracks in the aerogels impacted by hypervelocity irregular particles
Ai Du, Yi Ma, Mingfang Liu, Zhihua Zhang, Guangwei Cao, Hongwei Li, Ling Wang, Peijian Si, Jun Shen, and Bin Zhou
As an attractive collector medium for hypervelocity particles, combined with outstanding physical properties and suitable compositional characteristics, SiO2 aerogel has been deployed on outer space missions and laser shock-loaded collection experiments. In this paper, impact experiments were conducted to understand th
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Apr. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e14 (2021)
Radial density profile and stability of capillary discharge plasma waveguides of lengths up to 40 cm
M. Turner, A. J. Gonsalves, S. S. Bulanov, C. Benedetti, N. A. Bobrova, V. A. Gasilov, P. V. Sasorov, G. Korn, K. Nakamura, J. van Tilborg, C. G. Geddes, C. B. Schroeder, and E. Esarey
We measured the parameter reproducibility and radial electron density profile of capillary discharge waveguides with diameters of 650 $\mathrm{\mu} \mathrm{m}$ to 2 mm and lengths of 9 to 40 cm. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, 40 cm is the longest discharge capillary plasma waveguide to date. This length is impo
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Apr. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e17 (2021)
Fabrication of large-area uniform carbon nanotube foams as near-critical-density targets for laser–plasma experiments
Pengjie Wang, Guijun Qi, Zhuo Pan, Defeng Kong, Yinren Shou, Jianbo Liu, Zhengxuan Cao, Zhusong Mei, Shirui Xu, Zhipeng Liu, Shiyou Chen, Ying Gao, Jiarui Zhao, and Wenjun Ma
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jun. 16, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e29 (2021)
Deuterated polyethylene nanowire arrays for high-energy density physics
M. G. Capeluto, A. Curtis, C. Calvi, R. Hollinger, V. N. Shlyaptsev, and J. J. Rocca
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jun. 25, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e34 (2021)
Research Articles
Overview and specifications of laser and target areas at the Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory
Leonida A. Gizzi, Luca Labate, Federica Baffigi, Fernando Brandi, Giancarlo Bussolino, Lorenzo Fulgentini, Petra Köster, and Daniele Palla
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Apr. 20, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e10 (2021)
Multi-octave-spanning supercontinuum generation through high-energy laser filaments in YAG and ZnSe pumped by a 2.4 μm femtosecond Cr:ZnSe laser
Sang-Hoon Nam, Garima C. Nagar, Dennis Dempsey, Ondřej Novák, Bonggu Shim, and Kyung-Han Hong
We present experimental and numerical investigations of high-energy mid-infrared filamentation with multi-octave-spanning supercontinuum generation (SCG), pumped by a 2.4 μm, 250 fs Cr:ZnSe chirped-pulse laser amplifier. The SCG is demonstrated in both anomalous and normal dispersion regimes with YAG and polycrystallin
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Apr. 02, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e12 (2021)
High-power linear-polarization burst-mode all-fibre laser and generation of frequency-adjustable microwave signal
Xuan He, Bin Zhang, Shuailin Liu, Linyong Yang, Jinmei Yao, Qilin Wu, Yuxin Zhao, Tao Xun, and Jing Hou
Narrowband microwave generation with tuneable frequency is demonstrated by illuminating a photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) with a burst-mode fibre laser. The whole system is composed of a high-power linearly polarized burst-mode pulsed fibre laser and a linear-state PCSS. To obtain a high-performance microwa
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Apr. 20, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e13 (2021)
Smooth pulse recovery based on hybrid wavelet threshold denoising and first derivative adaptive smoothing filter
Xinlei Qian, Wei Fan, Xinghua Lu, and Xiaochao Wang
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Apr. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e15 (2021)
A history of high-power laser research and development in the United Kingdom | On the Cover
Colin N. Danson, Malcolm White, John R. M. Barr, Thomas Bett, Peter Blyth, David Bowley, Ceri Brenner, Robert J. Collins, Neal Croxford, A. E. Bucker Dangor, Laurence Devereux, Peter E. Dyer, Anthony Dymoke-Bradshaw, Christopher B. Edwards, Paul Ewart, Allister I. Ferguson, John M. Girkin, Denis R. Hall, David C. Hanna, Wayne Harris, David I. Hillier, Christopher J. Hooker, Simon M. Hooker, Nicholas Hopps, Janet Hull, David Hunt, Dino A. Jaroszynski, Mark Kempenaars, Helmut Kessler, Sir Peter L. Knight, Steve Knight, Adrian Knowles, Ciaran L. S. Lewis, Ken S. Lipton, Abby Littlechild, John Littlechild, Peter Maggs, Graeme P. A. Malcolm, Stuart P. D. Mangles, William Martin, Paul McKenna, Richard O. Moore, Clive Morrison, Zulfikar Najmudin, David Neely, Geoff H. C. New, Michael J. Norman, Ted Paine, Anthony W. Parker, Rory R. Penman, Geoff J. Pert, Chris Pietraszewski, Andrew Randewich, Nadeem H. Rizvi, Nigel Seddon, Zheng-Ming Sheng, David Slater, Roland A. Smith, Christopher Spindloe, Roy Taylor, Gary Thomas, John W. G. Tisch, Justin S. Wark, Colin Webb, S. Mark Wiggins, Dave Willford, and Trevor Winstone
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Apr. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e18 (2021)
A novel laser shock post-processing technique on the laser-induced damage resistance of 1ω HfO2/SiO2 multilayer coatings
Tangyang Pu, Wenwen Liu, Yueliang Wang, Xiaoming Pan, Leiqing Chen, and Xiaofeng Liu
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: May. 18, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e19 (2021)
Effective suppression of mode distortion induced by stimulated Raman scattering in high-power fiber amplifiers
Wei Gao, Wenhui Fan, Pei Ju, Gang Li, Yanpeng Zhang, Aifeng He, Qi Gao, and Zhe Li
Mode distortion induced by stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) has become a new obstacle for the further development of high-power fiber lasers with high beam quality. Here, an approach for effective suppression of the SRS-induced mode distortion in high-power fiber amplifiers has been demonstrated experimentally by adju
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: May. 18, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e20 (2021)
Novel constant-cladding tapered-core ytterbium-doped fiber for high-power fiber laser oscillator
Yun Ye, Xianfeng Lin, Xiaoming Xi, Chen Shi, Baolai Yang, Hanwei Zhang, Xiaolin Wang, Jinyan Li, and Xiaojun Xu
Power scaling based on traditional ytterbium-doped fibers (YDFs) is limited by optical nonlinear effects and transverse mode instability (TMI) in high-power fiber lasers. Here, we propose a novel long tapered fiber with a constant cladding and tapered core (CCTC) along its axis direction. The tapered-core region of the
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: May. 18, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e21 (2021)
1178 J, 527 nm near diffraction limited laser based on a complete closed-loop adaptive optics controlled off-axis multi-pass amplification laser system
Deen Wang, Xin Zhang, Wanjun Dai, Ying Yang, Xuewei Deng, Lin Chen, Xudong Xie, Dongxia Hu, Feng Jing, Zeping Yang, Qiang Yuan, Xiaofeng Wei, Qihua Zhu, Wanguo Zheng, Xiaomin Zhang, and Lei Huang
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: May. 24, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e22 (2021)
High-power non-perturbative laser delivery diagnostics at the final focus of 100-TW-class laser pulses
Fumika Isono, Jeroen van Tilborg, Samuel K. Barber, Joseph Natal, Curtis Berger, Hai-En Tsai, Tobias Ostermayr, Anthony Gonsalves, Cameron Geddes, and Eric Esarey
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Aug. 03, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e25 (2021)
Modeling of three-dimensional exciplex pumped fluid Cs vapor laser with transverse and longitudinal gas flow
Chenyi Su, Xingqi Xu, Jinghua Huang, and Bailiang Pan
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jun. 10, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e26 (2021)
First radiative shock experiments on the SG-II laser
Francisco Suzuki-Vidal, Thomas Clayson, Chantal Stehlé, Uddhab Chaulagain, Jack W. D. Halliday, Mingying Sun, Lei Ren, Ning Kang, Huiya Liu, Baoqiang Zhu, Jianqiang Zhu, Carolina De Almeida Rossi, Teodora Mihailescu, Pedro Velarde, Manuel Cotelo, John M. Foster, Colin N. Danson, Christopher Spindloe, Jeremy P. Chittenden, and Carolyn Kuranz
We report on the design and first results from experiments looking at the formation of radiative shocks on the Shenguang-II (SG-II) laser at the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics in China. Laser-heating of a two-layer CH/CH–Br foil drives a $\sim 40$ km/s shock inside a gas cell filled with argon at an in
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jun. 10, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e27 (2021)
New phase-matching selection rule to generate angularly isolated harmonics
Xiaomei Zhang, Baifei Shen, Lingang Zhang, and Yin Shi
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jun. 16, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e28 (2021)
Design, installation and commissioning of the ELI-Beamlines high-power, high-repetition rate HAPLS laser beam transport system to P3
S. Borneis, T. Laštovička, M. Sokol, T.-M. Jeong, F. Condamine, O. Renner, V. Tikhonchuk, H. Bohlin, A. Fajstavr, J.-C. Hernandez, N. Jourdain, D. Kumar, D. Modřanský, A. Pokorný, A. Wolf, S. Zhai, G. Korn, and S. Weber
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Aug. 03, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e30 (2021)
Amplification characteristics in active tapered segmented cladding fiber with large mode area
Caijian Xie, Tigang Ning, Jingjing Zheng, Li Pei, Jianshuai Wang, Jing Li, Haidong You, Chuangye Wang, and Xuekai Gao
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jun. 22, 2021
  • Vol. 9, Issue 2, 02000e32 (2021)