• Chinese Physics B
  • Vol. 29, Issue 10, (2020)
Chao Wang1、†, Ying-Cai Chen1, Shuang Zhang2, Hang-Kai Qi3, and Meng-Bo Luo3
Author Affiliations
  • 1Department of Physics, Taizhou University, Taizhou 38000, China
  • 2College of Science, Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou 535011, China
  • 3Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 10027, China
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    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/abaedc Cite this Article
    Chao Wang, Ying-Cai Chen, Shuang Zhang, Hang-Kai Qi, Meng-Bo Luo. Distribution of a polymer chain between two interconnected spherical cavities[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(10): Copy Citation Text show less
    A 2D sketch of the simulation model. Two spherical cavities, a small one with radius Rs and a large one with radius Rl, are connected by a small hole with diameter Dh. The polymer is confined in the two cavities.
    Fig. 1. A 2D sketch of the simulation model. Two spherical cavities, a small one with radius Rs and a large one with radius Rl, are connected by a small hole with diameter Dh. The polymer is confined in the two cavities.
    The SCO probability PSCO as a function of R for different N. The radius where PSCO = 0.5 is defined as the critical radius RC. The inset shows the phase diagram for the symmetric twin-cavity system. The red line shows the radius of gyration (Rg0) of polymer in free space as a function of N.
    Fig. 2. The SCO probability PSCO as a function of R for different N. The radius where PSCO = 0.5 is defined as the critical radius RC. The inset shows the phase diagram for the symmetric twin-cavity system. The red line shows the radius of gyration (Rg0) of polymer in free space as a function of N.
    The SCO probability PSCO as a function of the radius of the small cavity Rs for different Rl (RC), where N = 60. The radius where PSCO = 0.5 is defined as the critical radius RsC.
    Fig. 3. The SCO probability PSCO as a function of the radius of the small cavity Rs for different Rl (< RC), where N = 60. The radius where PSCO = 0.5 is defined as the critical radius RsC.
    Phase diagram for the asymmetric system, where N = 60. The inset shows the dependence of RsC on Rl9/4N−3/4 for N = 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120. The solid black line is guide for eyes.
    Fig. 4. Phase diagram for the asymmetric system, where N = 60. The inset shows the dependence of RsC on Rl9/4N3/4 for N = 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120. The solid black line is guide for eyes.
    The relative probabilities of the whole polymer in the small cavity (Ps/PSCO) and in the large cavity (Pl/PSCO) in the SCO phase as functions of the radius of the small cavity Rs for different Rl, where N = 60.
    Fig. 5. The relative probabilities of the whole polymer in the small cavity (Ps/PSCO) and in the large cavity (Pl/PSCO) in the SCO phase as functions of the radius of the small cavity Rs for different Rl, where N = 60.
    The equilibrium number (ms) of monomers in the small cavity as a function of Rs for different Rl (RC), where N = 60. The inset shows ms/N as a function of (Rl/Rs)3 for different Rl and N. The solid red line is given by Eq. (12).
    Fig. 6. The equilibrium number (ms) of monomers in the small cavity as a function of Rs for different Rl (< RC), where N = 60. The inset shows ms/N as a function of (Rl/Rs)3 for different Rl and N. The solid red line is given by Eq. (12).
    Chao Wang, Ying-Cai Chen, Shuang Zhang, Hang-Kai Qi, Meng-Bo Luo. Distribution of a polymer chain between two interconnected spherical cavities[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(10):
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