• Acta Optica Sinica
  • Vol. 38, Issue 9, 901003 (2018)
An Ning1、*, Chen Yufeng1、2, Liu Chengzhi1, Fan Cunbo1, Liu Yuan1、2, Song Qingli1, and Wen Guanyu1
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  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
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    DOI: 10.3788/aos201838.0901003 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    An Ning, Chen Yufeng, Liu Chengzhi, Fan Cunbo, Liu Yuan, Song Qingli, Wen Guanyu. Maximum Detection Range of Satellite Laser Ranging System Based on Characteristics of Laser Transmission in Atmosphere[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2018, 38(9): 901003 Copy Citation Text show less


    Based on the characteristics of laser transmission in atmosphere, the slanting transmission model is used to calibrate the attenuation of laser transmitting in aerosol. According to the laser radar ranging equation, we establish the model of slanting transmission maximum detection range (MDR) of satellite laser ranging (SLR) system. By analyzing the numerical simulation results and the measured values of the MDR of the SLR system in Changchun station, we systematically research the maximum transmission distance of the SLR system. The investigated results indicate the MDR increases along with the elevation of transmitter telescope in a certain range. Compared with other common models, including Kim empirical formula and Mie theory, the MDR calibrated by slanting transmission MDR model is closer to the experimental results, and the relative error is decreased by one order of magnitude, which is only 3.8%. The result suggests the slanting transmission MDR model is much more suitable for calculating the MDR of the SLR system.
    An Ning, Chen Yufeng, Liu Chengzhi, Fan Cunbo, Liu Yuan, Song Qingli, Wen Guanyu. Maximum Detection Range of Satellite Laser Ranging System Based on Characteristics of Laser Transmission in Atmosphere[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2018, 38(9): 901003
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