• Journal of Semiconductors
  • Vol. 40, Issue 2, 022803 (2019)
(Color online) Sensitivity of the developed PSO-SVR model on the number of generation keeping the number of population at 200.
Fig. 1. (Color online) Sensitivity of the developed PSO-SVR model on the number of generation keeping the number of population at 200.
Correlation cross-plot between the estimated and experimental band gap.
Fig. 2. Correlation cross-plot between the estimated and experimental band gap.
(Color online) Effect of cobalt-sulfur co-doping on the band gap of TiO2 using the developed PSO-SVR model.
Fig. 3. (Color online) Effect of cobalt-sulfur co-doping on the band gap of TiO2 using the developed PSO-SVR model.
(Color online) Effect of nickel-iodine co-doping on the band gap of TiO2 using the developed PSO-SVR model.
Fig. 4. (Color online) Effect of nickel-iodine co-doping on the band gap of TiO2 using the developed PSO-SVR model.
(Color online) Effect of tungsten doping on the band gap of TiO2 using the developed PSO-SVR model.
Fig. 5. (Color online) Effect of tungsten doping on the band gap of TiO2 using the developed PSO-SVR model.
(Color online) Effect of indium doping on the band gap of TiO2 using the developed PSO-SVR model.
Fig. 6. (Color online) Effect of indium doping on the band gap of TiO2 using the developed PSO-SVR model.
ParameterLattice parameter a (Å) Lattice parameter c (Å) Band gap (eV)
Mean (eV)3.7839.498 9282.943 27
Maximum (eV)3.8079.6673.458
Minimum (eV)3.7639.3631.75
Standard deviation0.0080.042 4410.356 839
Correlation coefficient (%)1.42−42.80
Table 1. Statistical analysis of the dataset.
SVR hyper parameterOptimum value
Regularization factor (C) 1
Epsilon ( ) 0.054
Kernel option ( ) 0.0203
PSO optimum parametersOptimum value
Number of population200
Number of generation50
Table 2. Optimum model parameters.
Performance evaluation parametersTraining datasetTesting dataset
RMSE (eV)0.2530.165
MAE (eV)0.1630.125
CC (%)72.5684.13
Table 3. Performance evaluation parameters and their corresponding values.