Volume: 43 Issue 10
14 Article(s)

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  • Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2023
  • Vol. 43, Issue 10, 1 (2022)
Research on Low-Temperature Reliability of the Dewar Cold Head in Infrared Detector
Zhi-kai FU, Guan WANG, Shu-ling WEI, Ling-wei MENG, and Ti NING
  • Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2023
  • Vol. 43, Issue 10, 14 (2022)
Study on Cleaning Process Before Passivation of InSb Infrared Detectors
  • Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2023
  • Vol. 43, Issue 10, 16 (2022)
Design Optimization of a Cold Head Structure of Infrared Detector
Li-ming ZHANG, Wei LIU, Guan WANG, Zhi-kai FU, and Xiao-bing YU
In view of the phenomenon that the cooling head structure of an infrared detector is abnormal, the thermal resistance becomes large and the cooling head chip is not warm, the related research is carried out. In this paper, Ansys finite element software is used to carry out the simulation analysis of the cold head struc
  • Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2023
  • Vol. 43, Issue 10, 20 (2022)
Research on Preparation of Fiber-Based Low-Emissivity Thermal Insulation Materials
Yi WU, Wen-fang YANG, Chan-ming WANG, Cheng-ming ZHANG, and Yi-han LI
Functional textile materials with low infrared emissivity and heat insulation are widely used in industrial and military fields. In this paper, the functional materials with low infrared emissivity and good heat insulation performance are prepared from the two aspects of low surface emissivity and controlling the surfa
  • Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2023
  • Vol. 43, Issue 10, 23 (2022)
Effect of Cavity Surface Coating on Output Power of 1342 nm Distributed Feedback Semiconductor Laser
Yu-jun ZHANG, Chang-chun YAN, Jian-kang CHEN, Chun-long ZHAO, Shuai LUO, Peng-fei XU, and Xuan LI
  • Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2023
  • Vol. 43, Issue 10, 26 (2022)
Research on Infrared Image Classification Based on Multi-Feature Fusion
Xiao YU, and Zhao LI
  • Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2023
  • Vol. 43, Issue 10, 32 (2022)
Athermalization Design of MWIR System with Large-Format for Forest Fire Prevention
Xiao CHEN, and Hong-yu WANG
The key of forest fire prevention is to predict the fire risk effectively through the real-time fire monitoring system. By analyzing the application of UAVs in forest fire prevention, a medium wave infrared camera system for forest fire real-time monitoring based on UAVs is proposed in this paper. The focal length is 7
  • Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2023
  • Vol. 43, Issue 10, 33 (2022)