• Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
  • Vol. 25, Issue 6, 698 (2008)
Hong XIE*, Hong-cai LI, Rong-can YANG, Xiu LIN, and Zhi-ping HUANG
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  • [in Chinese]
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    XIE Hong, LI Hong-cai, YANG Rong-can, LIN Xiu, HUANG Zhi-ping. Realization of quantum game with trapped ions[J]. Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2008, 25(6): 698 Copy Citation Text show less


    A scheme to realize the two-player quantum prisoner's dilemma with hot trapped ions is proposed. Based on the interaction between two ions and bichromatic radiation,the vibrational mode is only virtually excited so that the system is insensitive to the thermal field. In addition,since the basic logic gates of the quantum game can be constructed straightforward,the scheme is quite simple.
    XIE Hong, LI Hong-cai, YANG Rong-can, LIN Xiu, HUANG Zhi-ping. Realization of quantum game with trapped ions[J]. Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2008, 25(6): 698
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