• Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
  • Vol. 25, Issue 5, 598 (2008)
Xiu-mei DU*, Yun-jie XIA, and Yuan ZHOU
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  • [in Chinese]
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    DU Xiu-mei, XIA Yun-jie, ZHOU Yuan. Quantum statistical properties of entangled light fields in nondegenerate k-photon J-C model[J]. Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2008, 25(5): 598 Copy Citation Text show less

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    DU Xiu-mei, XIA Yun-jie, ZHOU Yuan. Quantum statistical properties of entangled light fields in nondegenerate k-photon J-C model[J]. Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2008, 25(5): 598
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