• High Power Laser and Particle Beams
  • Vol. 35, Issue 1, 012007 (2023)
Bo Zhang, Zhimeng Zhang, and Weimin Zhou
Author Affiliations
  • Laser Fusion Research Center, CAEP, Mianyang 621900, China
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    DOI: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220204 Cite this Article
    Bo Zhang, Zhimeng Zhang, Weimin Zhou. Comparison of different improvements to mainstream model of nonlinear Compton scattering[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35(1): 012007 Copy Citation Text show less


    Nonlinear Compton scattering is one of the dominant processes in future ultra-short ultra-intense laser-matter interactions. Today, most related researches are based on the mainstream model of nonlinear Compton scattering, which assumes short radiation formation interval, ignores effects of involved laser photon energy and is not spin-resolved. To depict nonlinear Compton scattering more precisely in wider parameter space, improved theories beyond these assumptions have been proposed in recent years. In this paper, we reviewe the major recent improvements, analyze their applicability, discusse their basic characteristics and physical effects on nonlinear Compton scatterings.
    $ m\dfrac{{{\text{d}}{{\boldsymbol{u}}^\mu }}}{{{\text{d}}s}} = e{{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\mu \nu }}{{\boldsymbol{u}}_\nu } $(1)

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    $ m\dfrac{{{\rm{d}}{{\boldsymbol{u}}^\mu }}}{{{\rm{d}}s}} = e{{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\mu \nu }}{{\boldsymbol{u}}_\nu } + \dfrac{{2{e^2}}}{3}\Bigg[\dfrac{{{e^2}}}{{{m^2}}}{{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\alpha \nu }}{{\boldsymbol{u}}_\nu }{{\boldsymbol{F}}_{\alpha \lambda }}{{\boldsymbol{u}}^\lambda }{{\boldsymbol{u}}^\mu } - \dfrac{{{e^2}}}{{{m^2}}}{{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\mu \nu }}{{\boldsymbol{F}}_{\alpha \nu }}{{\boldsymbol{u}}^\alpha } + \dfrac{e}{m}({\partial _\alpha }{{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\mu \nu }}){{\boldsymbol{u}}^\alpha }{{\boldsymbol{u}}_\nu }\Bigg] \text{,} $(2)

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    $ {{\boldsymbol{F}}_{\rm{R}}} \approx - \dfrac{{2{e^4}{\gamma ^2}{\boldsymbol{\beta}} }}{{3{m^2}}}[{({\boldsymbol{\beta }} \times {\boldsymbol{B}} + {\boldsymbol{E}})^2} - {({\boldsymbol{E}} \cdot {\boldsymbol{\beta}} )^2}]{{\boldsymbol{e}}_\beta } 。 $(3)

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    $ \chi = \dfrac{{e\sqrt { - {{({{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\mu \nu }}{p_\nu })}^2}} }}{{{m^3}}} $(4)

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    $ \chi \approx \dfrac{{{a_0}k{p_0}(1 - \cos \theta )}}{{{m^2}}}$(5)

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    $ \dfrac{{{\rm{d}}W}}{{{\rm{d}}u{\rm{d}}t}} = \dfrac{\alpha }{{\pi \sqrt 3 }}\dfrac{{{m^2}}}{{{p_0}}}\dfrac{1}{{{{(1 + u)}^2}}}{\text{ }}\Bigg[\Bigg(1 + u + \dfrac{1}{{1 + u}}\Bigg){{\rm{K}}_{2/3}}\Bigg(\dfrac{{2u}}{{3\chi }}\Bigg) - \displaystyle\int_{2u/3\chi }^\infty {\rm{d}} y{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(y)\Bigg] $(6)

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    $ \dfrac{{{\rm{d}}W}}{{{\rm{d}}t{\rm{d}}\delta }} = \dfrac{{\alpha {m^2}}}{{\sqrt 3 \pi {p_0}}}\Bigg[\Bigg(1 - \delta + \dfrac{1}{{1 - \delta }}\Bigg){{\rm{K}}_{2/3}}(y) - \displaystyle\int_y^\infty {{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}} (x){\rm{d}}x\Bigg] $(7)

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    $ n \approx \dfrac{u}{{2\chi }}a_0^3 $(8)

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    $ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {nkp' = k'p} \\ {u = \dfrac{{kk'}}{{kp'}}} \\ {n = \dfrac{u}{\chi }a_0^3} \\ {\tau /{a_0} = 0} \end{array}} \right. $(9)

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    $ {k'_ \pm } = \dfrac{{u(1 + C){p_0}}}{{1 + u}}\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {1 \mp \cos \phi \cos \dfrac{\theta }{2}\sin \theta _{k'}^A} \\ {\sin \theta {{\sin }^2}\dfrac{{\theta _{k'}^A}}{2} \mp \sin \dfrac{\theta }{2}\cos \phi \sin \theta _{k'}^A} \\ { \pm \sin \dfrac{\theta }{2}\sin \theta _{k'}^A\sin \phi } \\ {1 - 2{{\sin }^2}\dfrac{{\theta _{k'}^A}}{2}{{\sin }^2}\dfrac{\theta }{2} \mp \cos \phi \cos \dfrac{\theta }{2}\sin \theta _{k'}^A} \end{array}} \right)$(10)

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    $ p{'_ \pm } = \dfrac{{(1 + {u^2}C){p_0}}}{{1 + u}}\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {1 \pm \cos \phi \cos \dfrac{\theta }{2}\sin \theta _{p'}^A} \\ {\sin \theta {{\sin }^2}\dfrac{{\theta _{p'}^A}}{2} \pm \sin \dfrac{\theta }{2}\cos \phi \sin \theta _{p'}^A} \\ { \mp \sin \dfrac{\theta }{2}\sin \theta _{p'}^A\sin \phi } \\ {1 - 2{{\sin }^2}\dfrac{{\theta _{p'}^A}}{2}{{\sin }^2}\dfrac{\theta }{2} \pm \cos \phi \cos \dfrac{\theta }{2}\sin \theta _{p'}^A} \end{array}} \right)$(11)

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    $ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {C = a_0^3{k_0}/2\chi {p_0}} \\ {\cos \theta _{p'}^A = \dfrac{{1 - {u^2}C}}{{1 + {u^2}C}}} \\ {\cos \theta _{k'}^A = \dfrac{{1 - C}}{{1 + C}}} \end{array}} \right. $(12)

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    $ \dfrac{{{\rm{d}}W}}{{{\rm{d}}u{\rm{d}}t}} = \dfrac{{\alpha {m^2}}}{{16\sqrt 3 k{p_0}{{(1 + u)}^3}}}({F_0} + {\xi _1}{F_1} + {\xi _2}{F_2} + {\xi _3}{F_3}) $(13)

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    $ \begin{split} {F_0} = & - {(2 + u)^2}[{\rm{Int}}{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') - 2{{\rm{K}}_{2/3}}(u')](1 + {S_{{\rm{if}}}}) + {u^2}(1 - {S_{{\rm{if}}}})[{\rm{Int}}{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') + 2{{\rm{K}}_{2/3}}(u')]+ \\ & 2{u^2}{S_{{\rm{if}}}}{\rm{Int}}{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') - (4u + 2{u^2})({S_{\rm{f}}} + {S_{\rm{i}}}) \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a]{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') - 2{u^2}({S_{\rm{f}}} - {S_{\rm{i}}}) \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a]{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u')- \\ & 4{u^2}[{\rm{Int}}{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') - {{\rm{K}}_{2/3}}(u')]({S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot \hat v)({S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot \hat v) \end{split} $(14)

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    $ \begin{split} {F_1} = & - 2{u^2}{\rm{Int}}{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u')\{ ({S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot \hat a){S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a] + ({S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot \hat a){S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a]\} + 4u[({S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot \hat a)(1 + u) + ({S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot \hat a)]{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') + \\ & 2u(2 + u)\hat v \cdot [{S_{\rm{f}}} \times {S_{\rm{i}}}]{{\rm{K}}_{2/3}}(u') \end{split} $(15)

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    $ \begin{split} {F_2} = & - (2{u^2}\{ ({S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot \hat v){S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a] + ({S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot \hat v){S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a] + 2u(2 + u)\hat a \cdot [{S_{\rm{f}}} \times {S_{\rm{i}}}]\} ){{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u')- \\ & 4u[({S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot \hat v) + ({S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot \hat v)(1 + u)]{\rm{Int}} {\rm{K}}_{1/3}(u') + 4u(2 + u)[({S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot \hat v) + ({S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot \hat v)]{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') \end{split} $(16)

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    $ \begin{split} {F_3} =& 4[1 + u + \Bigg(1 + u + \dfrac{{{u^2}}}{2}\Bigg){S_{{\rm{if}}}} - \dfrac{{{u^2}}}{2}({S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot \hat v)({S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot \hat v)]{{\rm{K}}_{2/3}}(u') + 2{u^2}\{ {S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a]{S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a] -\\ &({S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot \hat a)({S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot \hat a)\} {\rm{Int}}{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') - 4u[(1 + u){S_{\rm{i}}} \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a] + {S_{\rm{f}}} \cdot [\hat v \times \hat a]]{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(u') \end{split} $(17)

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    $ \dfrac{{{\rm{d}}W}}{{{\rm{d}}k{'_ - }{\rm{d}}{\phi _ + }}} = \dfrac{\alpha }{{2\pi }}\dfrac{1}{{{p_ - }}}\dfrac{{{a_0}}}{{{\chi _0}}}{\rm{Im}}\displaystyle\int {\dfrac{{{\rm{d}}{\phi _ - }}}{{{\phi _ - } + i0}}} \Bigg\{ 1 + \dfrac{{p_ - ^2 + {{({p_ - } - k{'_ - })}^2}}}{{4{p_ - }({p_ - } - k{'_ - })}}{[{a_ \bot }({\phi _ + } - {\phi _ - }/2) - {a_ \bot }({\phi _ + } + {\phi _ - }/2)]^2}\Bigg\} {{\rm{e}}^{{\rm{i}}\;{\mathit{\Phi}} (k{'_ - },{\phi _ - },{\phi _ + })}} $(18)

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    $ {\mathit{\Phi}} (k{'_ - },{\phi _ - },{\phi _ + }) = \dfrac{1}{2}\dfrac{{k{'_ - }}}{{{p_ - } - k{'_ - }}}\dfrac{{{a_0}}}{{{\chi _0}}}{\Bigg\{ {\phi _ - } + \displaystyle\int_{ - {\phi _ - }/2}^{{\phi _ - }/2} {\rm{d}} \tilde \phi a_ \bot ^2({\phi _ + } + \tilde \phi ) - \dfrac{1}{{{\phi _ - }}}\Bigg[\displaystyle\int_{ - {\phi _ - }/2}^{{\phi _ - }/2} {\rm{d}} \tilde \phi a_ \bot ^({\phi _ + } + \tilde \phi )\Bigg]^2}\Bigg\} $(19)

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    $ {\mathit{\Phi}} (k'_ - ,{\phi _ - },{\phi _ + }) = \dfrac{1}{2}\dfrac{{k'_ - }}{{p'_ - }}\dfrac{{{a_0}}}{{{\chi _0}}}\Bigg[{\phi _ - } + \dfrac{1}{{12}}{a'}_0^2({\phi _ + })\phi _ - ^2\Bigg] $(20)

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    $ \dfrac{{{\rm{d}}W}}{{{\rm{d}}u}}{\Bigg|_{u \to 0}} = \dfrac{\alpha }{2}\dfrac{{{{p'}_ - }}}{{{p_ - }}}\dfrac{{{a_0}}}{{{\chi _0}}}\displaystyle\int {{\rm{d}}\phi {a^2}(\phi )} $(21)

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    $ \dfrac{{{\rm{d}}W}}{{{\rm{d}}u{\rm{d}}\phi }} = \dfrac{\alpha }{{\pi \sqrt 3 }}\dfrac{{{{p'}_ - }}}{{{p_ - }}}\dfrac{{{a_0}}}{{{\chi _0}}}\dfrac{1}{{{{(1 + u)}^2}}}{\text{ }}\Bigg[\Bigg(1 + u + \dfrac{1}{{1 + u}}\Bigg){K_{2/3}}\Bigg(\dfrac{{2u}}{{3\chi }}\Bigg) - \displaystyle\int_{2u/3\chi }^\infty {\rm{d}} y{{\rm{K}}_{1/3}}(y)\Bigg] 。 $(22)

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    Bo Zhang, Zhimeng Zhang, Weimin Zhou. Comparison of different improvements to mainstream model of nonlinear Compton scattering[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35(1): 012007
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