• Chinese Optics Letters
  • Vol. 13, Issue 10, 101601 (2015)
Qiannan Wu1、*, Feng Lan1, YaXin Zhang1, HongXin Zeng1, Ziqiang Yang1, and Xi Gao2
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China
  • 2School of Information and Communication, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/COL201513.101601 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Qiannan Wu, Feng Lan, YaXin Zhang, HongXin Zeng, Ziqiang Yang, Xi Gao, "Polarization insensitivity in square split-ring resonators with asymmetrical arm widths," Chin. Opt. Lett. 13, 101601 (2015) Copy Citation Text show less
    Classic SSRR structure.
    Fig. 1. Classic SSRR structure.
    S21 curve for a SSRR with excitations in differently polarized orientations. (a) Simulated results. (b) Experimental results.
    Fig. 2. S21 curve for a SSRR with excitations in differently polarized orientations. (a) Simulated results. (b) Experimental results.
    Influence of d1 and d2 on the resonance characteristics for the 0° and 90° polarized waves: (a) with different d1 values (d2=20 μm), (b) with different d2 values (d1=20 μm).
    Fig. 3. Influence of d1 and d2 on the resonance characteristics for the 0° and 90° polarized waves: (a) with different d1 values (d2=20μm), (b) with different d2 values (d1=20μm).
    Surface-induced current distributions of the SSRR (a) for the 0° polarized wave at 322.8 GHz, (b) for the 90° polarized wave at 410 GHz.
    Fig. 4. Surface-induced current distributions of the SSRR (a) for the 0° polarized wave at 322.8 GHz, (b) for the 90° polarized wave at 410 GHz.
    (a) Photograph and (b) microscope image of MSRR1.
    Fig. 5. (a) Photograph and (b) microscope image of MSRR1.
    S21 for MSRR1 excited with differently orientated linearly polarized waves. (a) Simulations. (b) Experiments.
    Fig. 6. S21 for MSRR1 excited with differently orientated linearly polarized waves. (a) Simulations. (b) Experiments.
    Simulated S21 of MSRR1 for the 0° and 90° polarized waves with 15° and 30° incident angles.
    Fig. 7. Simulated S21 of MSRR1 for the 0° and 90° polarized waves with 15° and 30° incident angles.
    (a) Photograph and (b) microscope image of MSRR2.
    Fig. 8. (a) Photograph and (b) microscope image of MSRR2.
    S21 for MSRR2 excited with differently orientated linearly polarized waves. (a) Simulations (b) Experiments.
    Fig. 9. S21 for MSRR2 excited with differently orientated linearly polarized waves. (a) Simulations (b) Experiments.
    Qiannan Wu, Feng Lan, YaXin Zhang, HongXin Zeng, Ziqiang Yang, Xi Gao, "Polarization insensitivity in square split-ring resonators with asymmetrical arm widths," Chin. Opt. Lett. 13, 101601 (2015)
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