• Chinese Journal of Lasers
  • Vol. 48, Issue 4, 0401011 (2021)
Xiang Han, Xinlin Chen, Wei Xiong, Tengfang Kuang, Zhijie Chen, Miao Peng, Guangzong Xiao*, Kaiyong Yang, and Hui Luo
Author Affiliations
  • College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/CJL202148.0401011 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Xiang Han, Xinlin Chen, Wei Xiong, Tengfang Kuang, Zhijie Chen, Miao Peng, Guangzong Xiao, Kaiyong Yang, Hui Luo. Vaccum Optical Tweezers System and its Research Progress in Precision Measurement[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2021, 48(4): 0401011 Copy Citation Text show less

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