• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 58, Issue 18, 1811027 (2021)
Qiusha Shan1、2、**, Wei Hao1, Zhaohui Liu1、2、*, Liang Zhou1, and Rongli Chen1、2
Author Affiliations
  • 1Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, China Academy of Science, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710119, China
  • 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP202158.1811027 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Qiusha Shan, Wei Hao, Zhaohui Liu, Liang Zhou, Rongli Chen. High-Resolution Imaging Technology for Large F-Numbers Based on Pixel Coding[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2021, 58(18): 1811027 Copy Citation Text show less
    Process of image degradation and pixel coding
    Fig. 1. Process of image degradation and pixel coding
    Process of building coding matrix using PSF
    Fig. 2. Process of building coding matrix using PSF
    Process of reading image
    Fig. 3. Process of reading image
    Process of reading and decoding image
    Fig. 4. Process of reading and decoding image
    Degraded image of large F-number system
    Fig. 5. Degraded image of large F-number system
    Correction process of pixel coding algorithm
    Fig. 6. Correction process of pixel coding algorithm
    MTF curves with different F-number
    Fig. 7. MTF curves with different F-number
    MTF curves of different Q values[10]
    Fig. 8. MTF curves of different Q values[10]
    Image of imaging lens
    Fig. 9. Image of imaging lens
    Image of distinguish plate with F=11
    Fig. 10. Image of distinguish plate with F=11
    Image of distinguish plate with F=25
    Fig. 11. Image of distinguish plate with F=25
    Corrected image of distinguish plate with F=25
    Fig. 12. Corrected image of distinguish plate with F=25
    MTF values corresponding to different discriminant plate groups under different F-number
    Fig. 13. MTF values corresponding to different discriminant plate groups under different F-number
    Focal length /mm100
    Diameter /mm4,9
    Field of view /[(°)×(°)]20.6×13.8,20.6×24.8
    Pixel size /μm9
    Size /(pixel×pixel)4008×2672
    Table 1. Parameter of scale system
    Qiusha Shan, Wei Hao, Zhaohui Liu, Liang Zhou, Rongli Chen. High-Resolution Imaging Technology for Large F-Numbers Based on Pixel Coding[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2021, 58(18): 1811027
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