• Microelectronics
  • Vol. 52, Issue 4, 689 (2022)
XIAO Li, JIN Xiangliang, YANG Jian, and HUANG Shishi
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  • [in Chinese]
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    DOI: 10.13911/j.cnki.1004-3365.210406 Cite this Article
    XIAO Li, JIN Xiangliang, YANG Jian, HUANG Shishi. Design and Verification of a High Performance Second-Order Charge-Controlled Memristor Circuit[J]. Microelectronics, 2022, 52(4): 689 Copy Citation Text show less

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    XIAO Li, JIN Xiangliang, YANG Jian, HUANG Shishi. Design and Verification of a High Performance Second-Order Charge-Controlled Memristor Circuit[J]. Microelectronics, 2022, 52(4): 689
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