• Acta Physica Sinica
  • Vol. 68, Issue 4, 048101-1 (2019)
Ru-Jia Wang, Shi-Ping Wu*, and Wei Chen
DOI: 10.7498/aps.68.20181923 Cite this Article
Ru-Jia Wang, Shi-Ping Wu, Wei Chen. Propagation of thermoviscoelastic wave in inhomogeneous alloy melt with varying temperature[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(4): 048101-1 Copy Citation Text show less
Parameters used in numerical simulation.数值模拟中采用的计算参数
Fig. 1. Parameters used in numerical simulation.数值模拟中采用的计算参数
Distribution of displacement and temperature difference of thermoviscoelastic wave in elastic medium and Kelvin medium.热粘弹波在弹性介质和Kelvin介质中的位移和温差的分布
Fig. 2. Distribution of displacement and temperature difference of thermoviscoelastic wave in elastic medium and Kelvin medium.热粘弹波在弹性介质和Kelvin介质中的位移和温差的分布
Distribution of displacement and temperature difference of thermoviscoelastic wave in homogeneous medium with variable temperature.热粘弹波在变温均匀介质中的位移和温差的分布
Fig. 3. Distribution of displacement and temperature difference of thermoviscoelastic wave in homogeneous medium with variable temperature.热粘弹波在变温均匀介质中的位移和温差的分布
Propagation of thermoviscoelastic waves in inhomogeneous medium: (a) Displacement changes with time and space; (b) temperature difference changes with time and space.热粘弹波在非均匀介质中的传播 (a)位移随时间和空间的变化;(b)温差随时间和空间的变化
Fig. 4. Propagation of thermoviscoelastic waves in inhomogeneous medium: (a) Displacement changes with time and space; (b) temperature difference changes with time and space.热粘弹波在非均匀介质中的传播 (a)位移随时间和空间的变化;(b)温差随时间和空间的变化
Distribution of displacement of thermoviscoelastic wave in different uniform temperature field.热粘弹波在不同的均匀温度场中的位移分布
Fig. 5. Distribution of displacement of thermoviscoelastic wave in different uniform temperature field.热粘弹波在不同的均匀温度场中的位移分布
Distribution of displacement and temperature difference of thermoviscoelastic wave in different inhomogeneous temperature field: (a) Propagation from low temperature region to high temperature region; (b) propagation from high temperature region to low temperature region.热粘弹波在不同的非均匀温度场中的位移和温差的分布 (a)波从低温区域向高温区域传播;(b)波从高温区域向低温区域传播
Fig. 6. Distribution of displacement and temperature difference of thermoviscoelastic wave in different inhomogeneous temperature field: (a) Propagation from low temperature region to high temperature region; (b) propagation from high temperature region to low temperature region.热粘弹波在不同的非均匀温度场中的位移和温差的分布 (a)波从低温区域向高温区域传播;(b)波从高温区域向低温区域传播
Relationship between attenuation coefficient and frequency of thermoviscoelastic wave in different temperature fields.不同温度场下热粘弹波的衰减系数与频率的关系
Fig. 7. Relationship between attenuation coefficient and frequency of thermoviscoelastic wave in different temperature fields.不同温度场下热粘弹波的衰减系数与频率的关系
Relationship between attenuation coefficient of thermoviscoelastic wave and temperature in different frequency.不同频率下热粘弹波的衰减系数与温度的关系
Fig. 8. Relationship between attenuation coefficient of thermoviscoelastic wave and temperature in different frequency.不同频率下热粘弹波的衰减系数与温度的关系
Ru-Jia Wang, Shi-Ping Wu, Wei Chen. Propagation of thermoviscoelastic wave in inhomogeneous alloy melt with varying temperature[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(4): 048101-1
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