• Acta Optica Sinica
  • Vol. 41, Issue 10, 1030002 (2021)
Yeyuan Huang1、2, Ang Li1、*, Min Qin1, Zhaokun Hu1, Pinhua Xie1、2、3、4, Jin Xu1, Jun Duan1, Hongmei Ren1、2, Xin Tian4, Xiaomei Li1、2, Bo Ren1、2, Qiang Zhang1、2, and Hongyan Zhong1、4
Author Affiliations
  • 1Key Laboratory of Environmental Optics and Technology, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui 230031, China
  • 2University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
  • 3CAS Center for Excellence in Regional Atmospheric Environment, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen, Fujian 361000, China
  • 4Institutes of Physical Science and Information Technology, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui 230039, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/AOS202141.1030002 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Yeyuan Huang, Ang Li, Min Qin, Zhaokun Hu, Pinhua Xie, Jin Xu, Jun Duan, Hongmei Ren, Xin Tian, Xiaomei Li, Bo Ren, Qiang Zhang, Hongyan Zhong. Nitrogen Oxides Spatial Distribution and Emissions with Mobile Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy in Wuhan City[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2021, 41(10): 1030002 Copy Citation Text show less
    Measurement route of mobile MAX-DOAS (the thirdring road of Wuhan, map data copyright© Google Earth)
    Fig. 1. Measurement route of mobile MAX-DOAS (the thirdring road of Wuhan, map data copyright© Google Earth)
    Mobile MAX-DOAS system
    Fig. 2. Mobile MAX-DOAS system
    Fitting example for NO2 DSCD and the fitting error (RMSE). (a) Fitting example; (b) fitting error
    Fig. 3. Fitting example for NO2 DSCD and the fitting error (RMSE). (a) Fitting example; (b) fitting error
    Schematic of portable ultraviolet DOAS system
    Fig. 4. Schematic of portable ultraviolet DOAS system
    NO2 VCD spatial distribution measured by mobile MAX-DOAS and the average wind speed (u) and wind direction (the arrows indicate the average wind direction)
    Fig. 5. NO2 VCD spatial distribution measured by mobile MAX-DOAS and the average wind speed (u) and wind direction (the arrows indicate the average wind direction)
    Monthly mean NO2 mass concentration of Wuhan from September, 2019 to March, 2020
    Fig. 6. Monthly mean NO2 mass concentration of Wuhan from September, 2019 to March, 2020
    NO2 VCD measured by Mobile MAX-DOAS and NO2 VCD in troposphere measured by Tropomi on Feb. 29th. (a) Comparison of NO2 VCDs; (b) correlation coefficient of NO2 VCDs
    Fig. 7. NO2 VCD measured by Mobile MAX-DOAS and NO2 VCD in troposphere measured by Tropomi on Feb. 29th. (a) Comparison of NO2 VCDs; (b) correlation coefficient of NO2 VCDs
    Spatial distribution of R(NOx) obtained by portable ultraviolet DOAS
    Fig. 8. Spatial distribution of R(NOx) obtained by portable ultraviolet DOAS
    NOx emission flux of the third ring road of Wuhan and its error
    Fig. 9. NOx emission flux of the third ring road of Wuhan and its error
    Proportion (R2) of NOx emission flux error of the third ring road of Wuhan caused by different error sources (using real-time [NOx]/[NO2] and its errors for NOx emission flux and flux errors calculation)
    Fig. 10. Proportion (R2) of NOx emission flux error of the third ring road of Wuhan caused by different error sources (using real-time [NOx]/[NO2] and its errors for NOx emission flux and flux errors calculation)
    Proportion (R2) of NOx emission flux error of the third ring road of Wuhan caused by different error sources (using average [NOx]/[NO2] and its errors for NOx emission flux and flux errors calculation)
    Fig. 11. Proportion (R2) of NOx emission flux error of the third ring road of Wuhan caused by different error sources (using average [NOx]/[NO2] and its errors for NOx emission flux and flux errors calculation)
    Fitting wavelength range /nm338--370
    Polynomial fitting order5
    NO2 absorption cross-sectionVandaele,1996(220 K,298 K)
    O3 absorption cross-sectionBogumil,2003(223 K,243 K)
    O4 absorption cross-sectionThalman,2013(293 K)
    HCHO absorption cross-sectionMeller,2000(297 K)
    Ring absorption cross-sectionCalculated by DOASIS software
    Table 1. Parameters for NO2 retrieval with QDOAS
    Yeyuan Huang, Ang Li, Min Qin, Zhaokun Hu, Pinhua Xie, Jin Xu, Jun Duan, Hongmei Ren, Xin Tian, Xiaomei Li, Bo Ren, Qiang Zhang, Hongyan Zhong. Nitrogen Oxides Spatial Distribution and Emissions with Mobile Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy in Wuhan City[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2021, 41(10): 1030002
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