Volume: 27 Issue 2
23 Article(s)

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Research Article
[in Chinese]
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
  • Publication Date: Oct. 11, 2021
  • Vol. 27, Issue 2, 1 (2010)
Design of distributed Bragg reflectors for GaN-based light-emitting diodes
Shi-dong HOU, and Gao-shi YAN
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
  • Publication Date: Oct. 11, 2021
  • Vol. 27, Issue 2, 145 (2010)
Supercontinuum generation of femtosecond pulse in high nonlinear fiber
Guang-yu JIANG, Feng-ying CHEN, Hui-rong XIAO, and Ming-gang CHAI
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
  • Publication Date: Oct. 11, 2021
  • Vol. 27, Issue 2, 198 (2010)
Interaction of two-photon photorefractive screening-photovoltaic bright spatial solitons
Shi-jie XIE, Xuan-mang JI, and Jin-song LIU
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
  • Publication Date: Oct. 11, 2021
  • Vol. 27, Issue 2, 215 (2010)
Observing aerosol optical depth with MFRSR
Li-ping WANG, Feng-sheng ZHAO, and Zhan-qing LI
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
  • Publication Date: Oct. 11, 2021
  • Vol. 27, Issue 2, 234 (2010)