Volume: 9 Issue 6
13 Article(s)

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Research Article
[in Chinese]
Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics
  • Publication Date: Dec. 08, 2014
  • Vol. 9, Issue 6, 1 (2014)
Simulation of High-Speed Airflow Effect Based on Technology of Adaptive Optics
Hong-ming ZHAO, Jin-dong FEI, Hui-jie DU, Hong YU, Yang GAO, Jian DU, Xin-qi HU, and Bing DONG
In the process of high-resolution astronomical observation and space optical mapping, the high-speed turbulence effect leads to reduced resolution of optical imaging sensor. On the base of influence of high-speed turbulence effect for the optical observation system, the development and technical characteristics of adap
Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics
  • Publication Date: Dec. 08, 2014
  • Vol. 9, Issue 6, 427 (2014)
Analysis of Influence Factors of Retrieval Method for Atmospheric CO2
Qi-ming LIU, Jin-ji MA, Xian-hua WANG, and Xin-hua JIANG
If retrieval accuracy for CO2 using the satellite remote sensing reached 1%, the deficiency of ground observation can be made up through the global continuous high precision observation. In the retrieval algorithm, the retrieval accuracy is not only affected by the cirrus clouds and aerosols, but also by effects of oth
Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics
  • Publication Date: Dec. 08, 2014
  • Vol. 9, Issue 6, 448 (2014)
Calibration of Spectrally Tunable Source Based on Spatial Light Modulator
Jun-hua LU, Wen-chao ZHAI, and Xiao-bing ZHENG
Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics
  • Publication Date: Dec. 08, 2014
  • Vol. 9, Issue 6, 457 (2014)
Identification Method of Slab Surface Temperature and Oxidation Skin Temperature in Heating Furnace
Hai-bin WU, Ming ZHANG, and Lei TANG
Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics
  • Publication Date: Dec. 08, 2014
  • Vol. 9, Issue 6, 476 (2014)
[in Chinese]
Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics
  • Publication Date: Dec. 08, 2014
  • Vol. 9, Issue 6, 482 (2014)
[in Chinese]
Journal of Atmospheric and Environmental Optics
  • Publication Date: Dec. 08, 2014
  • Vol. 9, Issue 6, 487 (2014)