• Advanced Photonics
  • Vol. 5, Issue 2, 029901 (2023)


The article provides information about the image on the cover of Advanced Photonics, Volume 5, Issue 2.

Integrated-resonant units (IRUs), associating various meta-atoms, resonant modes, and functionalities into one supercell, have shown great promise in tailoring composite and multifunctional electromagnetic responses with additional degrees of freedom. Integrated-resonant meta-devices can offer many advantages over conventional optical devices, including broadband achromatism, efficiency enhancement, response selectivity, and continuous tunability, offering great potential for performant and versatile application scenarios, such as achromatic imaging, light-field sensing, polarization detection, orbital angular momentum generation, metaholography, nanoprinting, color routing, and nonlinear generation.

The image on the cover for Advanced Photonics Volume 5 Issue 2 depicts a schematic of the integrated-resonant metadevice composed of various multifunctional integrated-resonant units, as well as their subsequent applications, including polarization detection, orbital angular momentum generation, metaholography, nonlinear generation, and so on. The image is based on research presented in the review article by Jin Yao, Rong Lin, Mu Ku Chen, and Din Ping Tsai, “Integrated-resonant metadevices: a review,” Adv. Photonics5(2), 024001 (2023), doi 10.1117/1.AP.5.2.024001.
