Feng Wan, Chong Lv, Kun Xue, Zhen-Ke Dou, Qian Zhao, Mamutjan Ababekri, Wen-Qing Wei, Zhong-Peng Li, Yong-Tao Zhao, Jian-Xing Li. Simulations of spin/polarization-resolved laser–plasma interactions in the nonlinear QED regime[J]. Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 2023, 8(6): 064002

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- Matter and Radiation at Extremes
- Vol. 8, Issue 6, 064002 (2023)

Fig. 1. Standard particle-in-cell (PIC) loop with four kernel parts.

Fig. 2. (a) and (b) Yee grid and position of each field component in 3D and 2D cases, respectively. In (b), the z direction is squeezed.

Fig. 3. Leapfrog algorithm for particle pushing and field advancing.

Fig. 4. q (χ ) vs χ .
![Dynamics of an electron [p0 = (4000, 0, 0)] scattering with an ultraintense linearly polarized laser pulse of Ey=100exp−ϕ−10010π2cosϕ, with ϕ ≡ t + x. Here, Lo., LL., and MLL. denote results calculated from the Lorentz, LL, and modified LL equations, respectively.](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 5. Dynamics of an electron [p 0 = (4000, 0, 0)] scattering with an ultraintense linearly polarized laser pulse of E y = 100 exp − ϕ − 100 10 π 2 cos ϕ , with ϕ ≡ t + x . Here, Lo., LL., and MLL. denote results calculated from the Lorentz, LL, and modified LL equations, respectively.
![Spin dynamics of an electron [p0 = (4000, 0, 0), s0 = (1, 0, 0)] scattering with an ultraintense linearly polarized laser pulse of Ey=100exp−ϕ−10010π2cosϕ, with ϕ ≡ t + x. Here, A, B, C, and D denote results calculated using the Lorentz + T-BMT, Lorentz + radiative T-BMT, LL + radiative T-BMT, and MLL + radiative T-BMT equations, respectively.](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 6. Spin dynamics of an electron [p 0 = (4000, 0, 0), s 0 = (1, 0, 0)] scattering with an ultraintense linearly polarized laser pulse of E y = 100 exp − ϕ − 100 10 π 2 cos ϕ , with ϕ ≡ t + x . Here, A, B, C, and D denote results calculated using the Lorentz + T-BMT, Lorentz + radiative T-BMT, LL + radiative T-BMT, and MLL + radiative T-BMT equations, respectively.

Fig. 7. Flowchart of spin- and polarization-resolved NCS.

Fig. 8. Dynamics of 1000 electrons via stochastic NCS, with the simulation parameters the same as those in Fig. 6 . Blue lines are for ten sampled electrons, and black ones are the average value over 1000 sample particles.

Fig. 9. Dynamics of an electron beam (particle number N e = 104), with colors denoting the number density in arbitrary units and a logarithmic scale (a.u.); other parameters are the same as those in Fig. 6 .

Fig. 10. (a) Energy spectra of scattered electrons (black curve) and generated photons (red curve). (b) Energy-dependent Stokes parameters ξ ̄ 2 and ξ 3 ̄ , i.e., circular and linear polarization with respect to the y and z axes. The simulation parameters are the same as those in Fig. 6 .

Fig. 11. Flowchart of the spin- and polarization-resolved nonlinear Breit–Wheeler (NBW) pair production process.

Fig. 12. (a) Normalized energy spectrum (black solid curve) and energy-resolved longitudinal spin polarization (red solid curve) of positrons. (b) Statistics of the longitudinal spin components of generated positrons. The laser and electron beam parameters are consistent with those in Fig. 9 .

Fig. 13. Bremsstrahlung of 100 MeV electrons: (a) scattered electron spectra; (b) yield photon spectra. Solid curves represent PIC results and dashed curves Geant4 results. Reproduced with permission from F. Wan et al. , Eur. Phys. J. D 71 , 236 (2017). Copyright 2017, EDP Sciences, SIF, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany.

Fig. 14. Bremsstrahlung of 1 GeV electrons: (a) scattered electron spectra; (b) yield photon spectra. Solid curves represent PIC results and dashed curves Geant4 results. Reproduced with permission from F. Wan et al. , Eur. Phys. J. D 71 , 236 (2017). Copyright 2017, EDP Sciences, SIF, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany.

Fig. 15. (a) M (χ γ ) (red and blue solid curves) and the corresponding low-energy-limit constants, with red and blue dash-dotted lines equal to 4 and 7, respectively. (b) Relative error between M (χ γ ) and the low-energy-limit constant.
![VB effect of a γ-photon [ɛγ = 1 GeV, ξ = (1, 0, 0)] propagating through (a) static crossed fields with Ey = −Bz = 100 and (b) a laser field (the same as in Fig. 6).](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 16. VB effect of a γ -photon [ɛ γ = 1 GeV, ξ = (1, 0, 0)] propagating through (a) static crossed fields with E y = −B z = 100 and (b) a laser field (the same as in Fig. 6 ).

Fig. 17. Data structure of SLIPs.

Fig. 18. Framework of SLIPs.

Fig. 19. Generation of polarized electrons: (a) number density log_{10}(d 2N /dθ x dθ y ) (a.u.); (b) spin polarization S x .

Fig. 20. Generation of LP γ -photons: (a) number density log10(d 2N /dθ x dθ y ) (a.u.); (b) linear polarization ξ 3.

Fig. 21. Generation of CP γ -photons with longitudinally polarized electrons: (a) number density log10(d 2N /dθ x dθ y ) (a.u.); (b) circular polarization |ξ 2|.

Fig. 22. Laser–plasma interaction via 2D simulation: (a)–(c) spatial distributions of E x , E y , and B z , respectively; (d)–(f) number densities (in logrithm) of target electrons, generated NBW positrons, and NCS γ -photons, respectively.

Fig. 23. Photons generated by laser–plasma interaction: (a) number density with respect to energy and angle, i.e., log10(dN 2/dγ γ dθ ) (a.u.) with γ γ ≡ E γ / m e c 2 and θ ≡ p y /p x ; (b) energy- and angle-resolved linear polarization degree ξ ̄ 3 ; (c) energy-resolved number and polarization distributions; (d) angle-resolved number and polarization distributions.

Fig. 24. Positrons generated by laser–plasma interaction: (a) number density with respect to energy and angle, i.e., dN 2/dγ +dθ (a.u.), with γ + ≡ ɛ +/m e c 2 and θ ≡ arctan(p y /p x ); (b) energy- and angle-resolved spin component S ̄ z ; (c) normalized angular distribution n (θ ) ≡ dN /dθ (a.u.); (d) angular distribution of S ̄ z (i.e., energy-averaged); (e) normalized energy distribution n (ɛ +) ≡ dN /dɛ + (a.u.).
Table 1. VB effect in SLIPs.

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