• Acta Physica Sinica
  • Vol. 68, Issue 12, 124204-1 (2019)
Wei-Jun Zhu, Jin-Xin Chen, Yu-Han Gao, De-Ren Yang, and Xiang-Yang Ma*
DOI: 10.7498/aps.68.20190300 Cite this Article
Wei-Jun Zhu, Jin-Xin Chen, Yu-Han Gao, De-Ren Yang, Xiang-Yang Ma. Electroluminescence from silicon-based light-emitting device with erbium-doped TiO2 films: Enhancement effect of ytterbium codoping [J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(12): 124204-1 Copy Citation Text show less


In the past years, light-emitting devices (LEDs) based on erbium (Er)-doped insulators or wide-bandgap semiconductors have received intensive attention because the intra-4f transition (4I13/24I15/2) of Er3+ ions at ~ 1540 nm has potential applications in the optical interconnection for silicon-based circuits. The LEDs with rare-earth (RE)-doped SiOx (x ≤ 2) or SiNx (x ≤ 4/3) films have been well investigated as the silicon-compatible emitters. However, they suffer difficulty in injecting current and easing fatigue. In this context, the LEDs with RE-doped oxide semiconductors have been extensively investigated out of research interest in recent years. Among the oxide semiconductors, TiO2 is a desirable host for RE-doping because it is transparent for visible and infrared light, and cost-effective, and has considerably high RE solubility. In our previous work (Zhu C, Lü C Y, Gao Z F, Wang C X, Li D S, Ma X Y, Yang D R 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett.107 131103), we have realized erbium (Er)-related visible and near-infrared (~ 1540 nm) electroluminescence (EL) from the LED with a structure of ITO/TiO2:Er/SiO2/n+-Si, in which TiO2:Er refers to the Er-doped TiO2 film as the light-emitting layer. In this work, we co-dope ytterbium (Yb) into the TiO2:Er film in the aforementioned LED to significantly enhance the Er-related visible and near-infrared EL. It is revealed that a certain amount of Yb co-doping enables the TiO2:Er film to transform its crystal phase from anatase to rutile. Such a phase transformation reduces the symmetry of crystal field surrounding the Er3+ ions incorporated into the TiO2 host. Moreover, the substitution of over-sized Yb3+ ions for Ti4+ ions in the TiO2 host leads to the distortion of the crystal field around the Er3+ ions. The aforementioned symmetry-reduction and distortion of the crystal field increase the probabilities of the intra-4f transitions of Er3+ ions. Due to the aforementioned reason, the Yb co-doping into the TiO2:Er film remarkably enhances the EL from the corresponding LED. It is believed that the strategy of Yb-codoping can be adopted to enhance the EL from the LEDs with other RE-doped TiO2 films.
$ {J_{{\rm{TAT}}}} \propto {\rm{exp}}\left( {{\rm{ - }}\frac{{8{\text{π}}\sqrt {2q{m^*}} }}{{3h{E_{{\rm{ox}}}}}}{\varPhi }_{\rm{t}}^{{\rm{3/2}}}} \right), $ ()

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Wei-Jun Zhu, Jin-Xin Chen, Yu-Han Gao, De-Ren Yang, Xiang-Yang Ma. Electroluminescence from silicon-based light-emitting device with erbium-doped TiO2 films: Enhancement effect of ytterbium codoping [J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(12): 124204-1
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