Ming Chen, Yang Lu, Jiahao Ning, Wenge Yang, Jinfu Shu, Ho-kwang Mao. Discovery of the Baijifeng impact structure in Tonghua, Jilin, China[J]. Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 2023, 8(5): 058403
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- Matter and Radiation at Extremes
- Vol. 8, Issue 5, 058403 (2023)
Fig. 1. The Baijifeng impact structure on the top of Baijifeng Mountain. The impact structure is a cirque-shaped depression with a diameter of about 1400 m and a height difference of 418 m. The two peaks surrounding this depression are Front Baijifeng on the left side and Rear Baijifeng on the right side. The panoramic view of the impact structure was taken from the southeast. Image: Google CNES / Airbus Maxar Technologies Landsat / Copernicus Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO.
Fig. 2. Impact-ejected rock fragments and evidence of shock metamorphism. (a) Sandstone fragments with sharp edges and corners on the top of Front Baijifeng. (b) Optical microscope image of a quartz grain with three sets of PDFs (highlighted by three solid white lines) with cross-polarized light illumination. (c) Optical microscope image of a quartz grain with two sets of PDFs indexed as {101 ̄ 3} (A) and {101 ̄ 1} (B) with cross-polarized light illumination.
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