Volume: 2 Issue 8
20 Article(s)

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Fiber Optics and Optical Communications
Simultaneously compensating tunable CD and adaptive PMD using two different nonlinearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings
Li Yu, Xiaoguang Zhang, Guangtao Zhou, Yumin Liu, Jianzhong Zhang, Lixia Xi, and Bojun Yang
Chinese Optics Letters
  • Publication Date: Jan. 01, 1900
  • Vol. 2, Issue 8, 08445 (2004)
Integrated Optics
Lasers and Laser Optics
Medical Optics and Biotechnology
Effect of helium-neon laser on fast excitatory postsynaptic potential of neurons in the isolated rat superior cervical ganglia
Hua Mo, Ping He, and Ning Mo
Chinese Optics Letters
  • Publication Date: Jan. 01, 1900
  • Vol. 2, Issue 8, 08477 (2004)
Nonlinear Optics
Thin Films