Volume: 42 Issue 1
15 Article(s)

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Infrared Technology
  • Publication Date: Feb. 24, 2020
  • Vol. 42, Issue 1, 1 (2020)
Design of Infrared Dual-Band Common Aperture Thermal Elimination Optical System Based on Harmonic Diffraction
Shenghui LI, Xin LI, and Hongjing LI
We proposed an infrared dual-band common aperture optical system, without thermalization, based on harmonic diffraction in this study. The optical system has two working bands of 3-5 .m and 8-12 .m, a focal length of 45 mm, a value of F/# of 2, and a resolution ratio of the frigorific double-color detector of 320×
Infrared Technology
  • Publication Date: Feb. 24, 2020
  • Vol. 42, Issue 1, 19 (2020)
State Model Construction Method for Fast Steering Mirror and Its Control System Design
Zhiwei AI, Jianbo JI, Jing LI, and Shutong HUANG
To reduce structural parameters needed in the process of the state space modeling of a fast steering mirror (FSM), a modeling method based on system identification is proposed. Only two structural parameters, namely, coil resistance and inductance, are needed when using this modeling method. Based on the state model, a
Infrared Technology
  • Publication Date: Feb. 24, 2020
  • Vol. 42, Issue 1, 40 (2020)
Objective Design of Visible Light/Low-Light and Infrared Parallel Optical Path Fusion
Aiping SUN, Shaoming YANG, Liang GUO, Yangyun GONG, Haihong YU, Bangze ZENG, Deli ZHAO, Jingyun WANG, and Zemin LI
Most of the published literature relating to parallel optical path fusion focuses on analysis and research of image fusion algorithms; little literature discusses the optical system for image fusion. This paper designs and analyzes a fusion optical system of visible light /low-light and a long wave infrared image fusio
Infrared Technology
  • Publication Date: Feb. 24, 2020
  • Vol. 42, Issue 1, 46 (2020)
Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Rolling Guidance Filter
Feng CHEN, Min LI, Le MA, and Xiaohua QIU
Infrared Technology
  • Publication Date: Feb. 24, 2020
  • Vol. 42, Issue 1, 54 (2020)
Nonuniformity Correction of Resistance Array Based on Estimation of Point Spread Function
Zehao LI, Shouyi LIAO, and Zuoyu ZHANG
The infrared simulation technology of resistance array has been developed into an established infrared imaging simulation method, which not only has a larger scale but also employs a higher level of manufacturing technology. Large-scale commercial resistor array devices have been developed and applied in the developmen
Infrared Technology
  • Publication Date: Feb. 24, 2020
  • Vol. 42, Issue 1, 86 (2020)
Non-cooperative Circle Characteristic Pose Measurement Using Multiple Cameras without Public Field of View
Daiping SONG, and Lu LU
Based on vision-based pose measurement during the trans-shipment of large optical modules, a non-public field of view(FOV) pose detection method for multi-cameras based on distance and angle constraints is proposed in this study. The method is developed by using two circular edges of the same plane at the bottom of the
Infrared Technology
  • Publication Date: Feb. 24, 2020
  • Vol. 42, Issue 1, 93 (2020)