• Acta Optica Sinica
  • Vol. 21, Issue 1, 4 (2001)
[in Chinese]
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  • [in Chinese]
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    [in Chinese]. Preparation of the Atomic Entangled States with Controllable Weighting Factors[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2001, 21(1): 4 Copy Citation Text show less


    A scheme is presented for generating atomic entangled states through the interaction of the two-level atom with a coherent state cavity-field. Under certain condition, the atomic entangled states with controllable weighting factors and four Bell’s bases of the entangled two-atom are obtained.
    [in Chinese]. Preparation of the Atomic Entangled States with Controllable Weighting Factors[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2001, 21(1): 4
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