Zhanguo QI, Lei LIU, Shouzhi WANG, Guogong WANG, Jiaoxian YU, Zhongxin WANG, Xiulan DUAN, Xiangang XU, Lei ZHANG. Progress in GaN Single Crystals: HVPE Growth and Doping [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(3): 243
Search by keywords or author
- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 38, Issue 3, 243 (2023)
1. Schematic diagram of GaN[4]
2. Structure of HVPE reactor[8]
3. Photos and characterization of GaN crystals grown by HVPE
4. Si-doped HVPE-GaN[38]
5. Ge-doped HVPE-GaN[47]
6. Mg-doped HVPE-Ga
7. Image of semi-insulated GaN wafers
8. Fe-doped GaN
9. C-doped GaN
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