Special Issue on XFELs

We would like to invite submission of original manuscripts for a special issue of High Power Laser Science and Engineering (HPLSE) dedicated to X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs).

The scope of this special issue is to highlight the cutting-edge theoretical and experimental results related to XFEL facilities and associated technologies worldwide. The topics invited for inclusion are, but not limited to:

  • Advanced XFEL techniques (e.g. attosecond technology, high rep-rate, multi-pulse/color, longitudinal coherent pulse generation, polarization control, etc.)
  • Synchronization and diagnostics (e.g. advanced synchronization schemes, delay and duration diagnostics, etc.)
  • Compact XFELs (e.g. hybrid RF-ICS, LWFA, THz-based, XFELs)
  • Automation and machine-learning in XFELs (e.g. background optimization, multiplexing, machine design and beam dynamics, etc.)
  • Ultrafast laser systems and related technologies (e.g. ultrahigh peak power lasers, pump-probe lasers, OPCPA, THz, etc.)
  • Front-end laser technology (e.g. novel photo-injectors, laser heaters and laser-based electron manipulation and conditioning, etc.)


Guest Editors:

Max Lederer

Haixiao Deng
Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS,

Sergio Carbajo
LCLS, Stanford,

Co-ordinating Editor: Colin Danson, Editor-in-Chief, High Power Laser Science and Engineering

Submission deadline: 1 July 2021

Manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system at: http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/clp-hpl. Please select “Special Issue on XFELs 2021” from the drop-down menu under “Special Issue” when submitting manuscript.

Articles in HPLSE are freely available to all readers worldwide via journals.cambridge.org/hpl & hpl.clp.ac.cn.