Volume: 48 Issue 11
25 Article(s)

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Fiber Optics and Optical Communications
Research on Stokes Parameters of Low-Birefringence Uniform Fiber Bragg Gratings
Tian Chunhua, Li Qianghua, Guo Bingxia, and Gao Shecheng
Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Publication Date: Sep. 03, 2011
  • Vol. 48, Issue 11, 110601 (2011)
Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology
Lasers and Laser Optics
Pulsed Semiconductor Laser End-Pumped Master Oscillator Power Amplifier and External-Cavity Frequency Doubling System
Wang Xiaofa, Fan Zhongwei, Yu Jin, Shi Zhaohui, Huang Ke, Huang Yutao, and Lian Fuqiang
Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Publication Date: Oct. 11, 2011
  • Vol. 48, Issue 11, 111404 (2011)
Optimization Design of Laser Marking Machine′s Dynamic Focusing Performance
Li Yi, Pan Youhua, and Chen Pingping
Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Publication Date: Sep. 30, 2011
  • Vol. 48, Issue 11, 111406 (2011)