Volume: 6 Issue 7
22 Article(s)

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Research Article
Quantum efficiency calibration of opto-electronic detector by means of correlated photons method
Jianjun Li, Xiaobing Zheng, Yunjun Lu, Peng Zou, and Wei Zhang
Chinese Optics Letters
  • Publication Date: Jan. 01, 1900
  • Vol. 6, Issue 7, 472 (2008)
Measurement of spatial object’s exterior attitude based on linear CCD
Lili Ai, Feng Yuan, and Zhenliang Ding
Chinese Optics Letters
  • Publication Date: Jan. 01, 1900
  • Vol. 6, Issue 7, 505 (2008)
Dependence of surface-enhanced Raman scattering from Calf thymus DNA on anions
Jichun Zhu, Yanhui Zhang, Liangping Wu, Zugeng Wang, and Zhenrong Sun
Chinese Optics Letters
  • Publication Date: Jan. 01, 1900
  • Vol. 6, Issue 7, 526 (2008)
Measurement of nonlinear coefficient of optical fiber based on small chirped soliton transmission
Shanliang Liu, and Hongjun Zheng
Chinese Optics Letters
  • Publication Date: Jan. 01, 1900
  • Vol. 6, Issue 7, 533 (2008)